This was a great decision. I spent lots of quality tim
e with Lucia and Sascha. I snowshoed with Lucia, Sascha, Josh, Ashley, Chris, Darla, Tate, and Mike. I hosted a party (with Lucia's help) and saw many good friends. I ate a lot and got fatter and more out of shape. I cleaned my house (well, Lucia helped with this, too). I had a great New Year's Eve with friends snowshoeing up Hoodoo Ski Resort and watching fireworks. This all was very good.

Then on New Year's Day, Lucia, Sascha, and I joined CORK for a fun 6-miler. This run, along with the time off before it, was just what I needed to get the running spark going again. Sascha and I went for a nice 2 hour run on Thursday and enjoyed just being out together in the beautiful Central Oregon winter wonderland.

Hart and Justin Angle are coming to town this weekend for a little weekend of endurance fun (it will be nothing at all like boot camp). Yeah, I'm fat and slow and probably won't be able to keep up, but they'll have to wait, because they won't know where we're going. Friday's and Sunday's activities are tbd, but might include some snowshoeing, running at Smith Rock State Park, or running on parts of the Rumble course. Saturday, we're headed out to the Badlands for the 2nd Annual BadAss 50k.
I'll be sore on Monday, and I'm looking forward to it.
Thanks for the comment. I'd say a two week break is a good idea. But now it is the new year and those fat ass runs are just around the corner...haha easy for me to say. I've been putting in the miles on the treadmill but just spent the last two nights painting the new office so the run was put aside. And now it is snowing mad!!! this makes me want to avoid the treadmill all together and hit the trails. I might need some advice on setting up a run here as there are many runners but not many runs.
Happy New Year!!! I love seeing your photos.
The happiness in them is radiating.
The most famous montralian. I hope you had fun with the boys this weekend. Oh yeah...and I've joined the blog world also...in a desperate attempt to promote my race and keep connected with the outside world...man it's cold here!!!!
Fun adventures. Thanks for the posts.
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