Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Kilian's Quest

If you haven't been following this, you're missing out. I'm on the pacer team...and it's incredible!


Roger A. said...

seems strange to have a pacer for a speed record attempt...
there's no doubt that people run better, faster, over a long distance, with a pacer. this should be considered a supported attempt. if he's such a badass he shouldn't need a pacer

saschasdad said...

There are basically two different categories for speed record attempts: supported and unsupported. This was definitely considered a supported attempt. That was never a question. Unsupported wouldn't mean just no pacer, it means no support - period. It's basically the difference between running the trail and backpacking/fastpacking the trail. Kilian's goal was to break Tim Twietmeyer's supported record, which he did. I'm not sure who has the unsupported record, but no doubt that person is also a badass. Carrying a pack with absolutely everything needed for 165 miles is impressive.

Anonymous said...

Good answer Sean. Nice explanation.

Roger A. said...

Thanks. I understand this was supported. However, it's possible to attempt a speed record with support, but without a pacer. Pacer's help you move faster, keep moving, etc. Support helps you stay alive, basically. He could be supported every 10/15/20 miles with water, food, first aid, etc., but do the running on his own. In my mind, he was assisted on his run, thus all his pacers should be in the "record book" alongside his name

Anonymous said...

Oh boy.